John Morgan, the will-he-or-won’t-he 2018 gubernatorial candidate, announced on Twitter that he will be filing his long-awaited lawsuit against Florida … Source: John Morgan set to rumble with Florida on medical pot smoking ban
Author: Extroverting
Orlando-based attorney John Morgan demands “smokable” cannabis, lawsuit to be filed
Morgan also tweeted this afternoon that he would be heading to Tallahassee in the morning to file suit “on behalf of citizens and patients of Florida!”. Source: Orlando-based attorney John Morgan demands “smokable” cannabis, lawsuit […]
John Morgan gets ‘ready to rumble’ on no-smoke medical pot
“Heading to Tally in the morning to file suit against the state on behalf of the citizens & patients of Florida!!” he tweeted Wednesday afternoon, adding … Source: John Morgan gets ‘ready to rumble’ on no-smoke […]
John Morgan to challenge pot law
Florida’s leading medical marijuana proponent will be in Leon County court Thursday to challenge a state ban on smoking the plant. John Morgan … Source: John Morgan to challenge pot law