MassRoots CEO Isaac Dietrich tells Leafly, a marijuana information website, … as Massachusetts voters approved the legalization of recreational pot. Source: Wynn Resorts Allegedly Bans Social Media Entrepreneur for Marijuana Ties
Author: Extroverting
Nevada asking for trouble with marijuana ‘early start’: Jim Hartman
Last November, both Nevada and Massachusetts voters passed marijuana industry- written initiatives legalizing commercial pot. In both states, a one … Source: Nevada asking for trouble with marijuana ‘early start’: Jim Hartman
China residents approve all three local referendum questions
The town is now one of a number of central Maine towns with an ordinance banning recreational marijuana establishments and social clubs after … Source: China residents approve all three local referendum questions
Kimberly Cheney: Move forward on marijuana compromise
Despite the governor’s veto, Vermont still has a unique opportunity to become the first state to legalize marijuana through the legislative process. Source: Kimberly Cheney: Move forward on marijuana compromise