Dental therapy will be a new program at the school, begun after Vermont … Waterbury, Vt. — Vermont is seeking to add a fifth medical marijuana … Source: Local & Regional Briefs: Vermont Technical College Names […]
Category: On Campus

Thin, Fit and Active? Now That’s More Like It
Science continues to shred the stereotype of marijuana users as lazy, fat couch potatoes. Thanks to some new research at Oregon Health and Science University, we now know that “heavy users of cannabis have a […]
Key first step for Louisiana medical marijuana: Grower approved for LSU
The first medical marijuana production deal struck in Louisiana is expected to bring the state’s flagship university at least $3.4 million over five years, under terms discussed Thursday. Source: Key first step for Louisiana medical […]
Utah told scientists to study medical marijuana before they would legalize it. It could take years
Utah gave state colleges and others a green light to study the medical impacts of the marijuana, but scientists must navigate layers of bureaucracy. Source: Utah told scientists to study medical marijuana before they would […]