In visiting a marijuana dispensary just across state lines on Main Street in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, Pintabone said he learned that 70% of the …
Category: States
Medical marijuana dispensaries apply for recreational licenses ahead of April 14 – KKTV
Allen May was on the run …
A clinic in Cleveland that prioritizes Black women’s health opens 2nd location
A clinic that keeps Black women in mind celebrated its 3rd anniversary with the grand opening of a second location. Village of Healing was born out of concern for health care disparities experienced by Black women and children in Cuyahoga County.When I came here to Village of Healing it immediately changed my mind about healthcare
Dispensary owner fuming over proposed marijuana tax hike to fund road repairs
… cannabis industry say implementing a wholesale tax on marijuana would be a major buzzkill. … New Jersey · 26d. article img. emoji_like. emoji_wow.