Dispensaries have been declared Essential Businesses in CA, OK, MI, NY, and most legal states between those. Consumer demand is being called “recession-proof,” “pandemic-proof,” and “as inelastic as alcohol.” First-time customers are driving this demand […]
Category: States
relief, relaxation & recreation @ home
It’s close quarters. The kids are home. We’ve got few options or incentives to get out of the house, so opportunities for relief, relaxation, and recreation at home are essential. We’re sharing our finds with […]
marijuana Arrest rate Disparities along racial lines continue in New York city
june 13, 2019 – NY Daily news “O’Neill defended the strategy, citing steep drops in busts, and noting that precincts with the most 911 calls have the most marijuana arrests.” NYC Councilman says 92% of […]

CannaGather LA – May 7, 2019
Santa Monica Woman’s Club Getting out there, meeting people in person, making and pursuing connections continue to be recurring themes. The progressions from attendee, to speaker, to sponsor are clear indications these efforts are worthwhile. […]