Opened three RISE dispensaries: one each in Florida, Minnesota and Nevada. … medical cannabis. Aurora Cannabis Logo 948×533 · TerrAscend …
Category: States

Discussed on Reddit: How to survive a period of unemployment
By Kimberly Palmer, NerdWallet A financially-stressed Reddit user recently asked for advice: As the primary earner in their family, which includes two children, how could they keep up with a mortgage and other expenses once severance ran out? Reddit users offered many helpful ideas. Filing for unemployment, looking for other forms of state assistance and finding a new

Ohio: Senate Lawmakers Advance Bill Amending Voter-Approved Marijuana Legalization Law
“This bill is a slap in the face to the millions of Ohioans who voted in favor of Issue 2. Once again, politicians are arrogantly trying to claim that the public didn’t know what they were voting for.” The post Ohio: Senate Lawmakers Advance Bill Amending Voter-Approved Marijuana Legalization Law appeared first on NORML.
Another Federal Judge Rules Against The Government’s Ban On Gun Ownership By …
Another Federal Judge Rules Against The Government’s Ban On Gun Ownership By Marijuana Consumers … A federal judge in Rhode Island has ruled that a …