The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts recently ordered Randall Crater, a Florida … AICPA makes recommendations to IRS on cannabis …

Review: ‘Paddington in Peru’ is no ‘Paddington 2’
As delicious as a marmalade sandwich can be, too many can be just too much, especially when they aren’t made by the same person, who knows how to spread the jam just right. When it comes to marmalade sandwiches, and now, “Paddington” movies, a maxim that my grandfather used to apply to martinis comes to

Cushman: John & Abigail Adams a revolutionary love story
One of America’s greatest love stories can be understood through more than 1,000 eloquent letters that were sent between John and Abigail Adams – foundational figures in our nation’s early years – over the course of more than half a century. John was a member of the First and Second Continental Congress, which served as
Greene County starts awareness campaign around edible cannabis products and children
CATSKILL, N.Y. (NEWS10)– Greene County officials have started an awareness campaign in hopes of reteaching adults the possible dangers of cannabis …