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Cleveland APL Pet of the Week: A 5-year-old dog named Lucy!
This week, the Cleveland APL is showcasing a playful 5-year-old dog named Lucy!Lucy came to the APL after her owner passed away, and a family member was unable to keep her due to their personal health, the APL said.She is described as cuddly and playful, according to the APL.If you are interested in adopting Lucy,
Sugah Please Breakfast, Brunch & Bar offers a menu that is as diverse as it is delicious
Sugah Please Breakfast, Brunch & Bar provides its customers with a menu that is as diverse as it is delicious. The eatery’s mission is to create memorable dining experiences for its guests in a warm […]
As Pennsylvania weighs marijuana legalization, competing interests shape how it could work
Gov. Josh Shapiro said recently met with cannabis dispensary owners from Maryland, Ohio, New York and New Jersey. He wanted to ask them how many …