Millions of Americans rely on a new class of medications to manage chronic conditions like diabetes and obesity, with remarkable results. They trust these treatments are safe and effective, as they should when filling FDA-approved prescriptions at neighborhood pharmacies. However, a dangerous trend has emerged. As demand for diabetes and obesity medicines has surged, a
New cannabis dispensary opens in North Buffalo – YouTube
New cannabis dispensary opens in North Buffalo … WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY• … Trump joins Lawrence Jones at NYC barber shop: ‘I could have stayed for two …
YES OR NO: What does your vote mean on Florida’s ballot amendments? – News4JAX
Amendment 3 would legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 years of age and older if it passes. Chris Hand is a government law attorney and …
What does it mean to vote yes or no for Florida’s amendment on legalizing marijuana? Early voting in the Sunshine State starts on Monday, Oct. 21 in Duval County. There are six amendments on the ballot that can potentially change …