A divided U.S. appeals court on Monday said a New Jersey law barring employment discrimination against cannabis users does not allow for private …

The Daily Hit: December 9, 2024
The Daily Hit is a recap of the top financial news stories for Monday, December 9, 2024. On the Site Last-gasp challenge to Nebraska cannabis law fails, appeal still possible The ruling found challengers couldn’t prove enough signatures were invalid to overturn the initiatives. Read more here. Epidiolex delivers positive …
How the Legalized Pot Industry Could Change Under Trum | American Enterprise Institute
Keep out of reach of children.” New York State’s Cannabis Control Board’s warnings are much less specific—“smoking or vaping is hazardous to …
Arizona cannabis sales tick up in October, but still down year-over-year
Arizona recreational and medical marijuana sales both picked up slightly during October after a disappointing summer season, according to state data from the Department of Revenue. Arizona dispensaries sold $75.3 million in recreational cannabis and another $16.9 million in medical marijuana for a total of $92.2 million in sales for …