A desperate mother in Preston, England, has begged doctors to give her 2-year-old daughter cannabis. Jenna Heary hopes that the drug could help cure little Olivia's epileptic seizures, according to The Sun. She hopes to […]
As Vets Demand Cannabis for PTSD, Science Races to Unlock Its Secrets
Thousands of military veterans have pressured federal and state legislators to legalize medicinal cannabis and ease rules on research into the plant’s apparent therapeutic properties, arguing that it could help reduce suicide rates among former […]
Australia Aims to Be World’s Top Medicinal Cannabis Supplier
Australia’s budding medicinal cannabis sector is set for a major windfall after winning approval to begin exports. The health minister, Greg Hunt, said allowing medicinal cannabis product exports will help the developing domestic market to grow. […]
The Best City In the World Is Reciprocity
Noun rec·i·proc·i·ty \ re-sə-ˈprä-s(ə-)tē \ Plural reciprocities 1: the quality or state of being reciprocal: mutual dependence, action, or influence 2: a mutual exchange of privileges; specifically: a recognition by one of two countries or institutions of the validity of licenses or privileges granted by the […]