A recent study published in The Journal of Neuroscience has found that chronic alcoholics could have a smoother recovery process through the use of cannabis. Cannabinoids, the primary healing compounds found in cannabis, work as […]
What’s the Shelf Life of Cannabis Oil?
Finding a long-lost cannabis concentrate is a bittersweet moment. Your discovered concentrate was left stranded in a pair of jeans that had been stuffed in the far reaches of your dresser, untouched since that last […]
5 Differences Between the United States’ and Canada’s Medical Cannabis Programs
As Canada prepares to legalize cannabis countrywide, many have wondered how its medical marijuana program compares to the United States’. Here are five key similarities and differences between each country’s medicinal cannabis guidelines. The biggest […]
Microdose Magic
A microdose is defined as taking 1/100th the expected pharmacological dose for a medication. With cannabis as an example, the goal is to derive some of the benefits without getting high. “Kiva has heard from Google […]