Nevada begins legal sales of adult use marijuana on July 1 and tries to regain its crown as the state with the most bad behavior. Source: Nevada Adds Legal Recreational Marijuana To Its List Of […]
Tag: Debra Borchardt
Cannabis Industry Weekly Recap 7/7/2017
This is a weekly recap of the financial news that happened in the cannabis industry for the week ending July 7, 2017. Source: Cannabis Industry Weekly Recap 7/7/2017 Author: Debra Borchardt, Contributor
Cannabis Industry Weekly Recap 6/30/17
This is a weekly recap of the financial news in the cannabis industry. Source: Cannabis Industry Weekly Recap 6/30/17 Author: Debra Borchardt, Contributor
REITs Expect To See Their Money Grow Along With Marijuana
The cannabis market is getting flooded with new REITs that think there is easy money to be made. Source: REITs Expect To See Their Money Grow Along With Marijuana Author: Debra Borchardt, Contributor