The New Jersey CannaBusiness Association is launching a first … Cannabis. How does legal cannabis impact NJ workplaces? Free webinar offers insights.
Tag: Midwest
$6M+ in social equity tax funds sitting unspent, cannabis agency says –
(Photo by Daniella Heminghaus for the New Jersey Monitor). More than $6 million collected from a cannabis tax has been sitting unused even though …

Maine cannabis agency targeted for investigation by state oversight committee
The Maine Office of Cannabis Policy is under investigation by a legislative committee at the state Capitol in Augusta. State Rep. David Boyer confirmed the investigation by the Committee on Government Oversight to WGME this week and said the committee members voted unanimously to launch an investigation at his request. …
Idaho Senate passes mandatory minimum $300 fine for marijuana possession
Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Montana allow the recreational sale and possession of cannabis, while Utah offers medical cannabis. Need to get in …