According to Spotlight News, police got a search warrant and found about 50 pounds of marijuana and about one pound of concentrated marijuana in … Source: Police: 68-year-old Albany area woman grew 50 pounds of pot
Tag: NY Metro
State growing medical marijuana program
State growing medical marijuana program … conditions to 22,496 — a 50 percent increase — according to the New York State Department of Health. Source: State growing medical marijuana program
Vireo Health sees looming competition as a problem
Hoffnung said none of the existing medical marijuana companies in New York are yet profitable, and how fast Vireo NY gets to that point is tied to how … Source: Vireo Health sees looming competition as […]
Police: 68-year-old Albany area woman grew 50 pounds of pot
According to Spotlight News, police got a search warrant and found about 50 pounds of marijuana and about one pound of concentrated marijuana in … Source: Police: 68-year-old Albany area woman grew 50 pounds of pot