Woman Given Six Weeks to Live Claims Cannabis Oil Cured Her

A woman claims cannabis oil has 'cured' her terminal cancer.

Joy Smith, 52, from Coventry, England, was given just six weeks to live after being diagnosed with inoperable stomach and bowel cancer in August 2016, according to the Daily Mail.

Desperate for a solution, Ms Smith reluctantly took cannabis-based tablets, alongside chemotherapy, after reading about a cancer patient in the US who went into remission after producing her own marijuana oil.

Nearly two years on, doctors, who described Ms Smith as 'the luckiest woman in the world', are baffled as her scans show just a small amount of the disease is left in her stomach, which she is confident will disappear with continued cannabis use.

As well as approaching a miracle remission, Ms Smith has also recently won £84,000 after entering a TV competition while 'under the influence' of cannabis oil.

Read the full story.